Sunday, February 13, 2011

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Philip Reitinger was nominated as Deputy Undersecretary of National Protection & Programs Directorate.

A Summary/quote from Philip Reitinger's congressional testimony:

Microsoft is deeply and broadly engaged in efforts to protect children from Internet predators and inappropriate online material. Our efforts are focused in three general areas: (1) partnering with law enforcement to identify online threats to children and enable law enforcement to investigate and prosecute those who abuse or exploit them through the online environment, (2) empowering families through technological advances in our products and services to educate and protect their children, and (3) partnering with citizens, other companies, organizations, and government to educate communities more broadly regarding the risks to children in online activity and ways to keep them safe. In brief, Microsoft works with our partners to prevent child exploitation online, and actively supports law enforcement efforts in the U.S. and around the world to prosecute and punish those responsible for these heinous crimes.
In his response on the Blaster worm, Microsoft's response was

  1. We (Microsoft) improved the patch process
  2. Law enforcement has to do their job. But they need increased funding as they are overworked. We also need cross-domain jurisdiction to investigate cyber-crime.

So - he seems reasonable. The worst thing we need is someone who doesn’t understand the technology.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Creation of the blog

I hate it when someone steals my domain name in their blog.